Initiatives & Projects
What are initiatives?
Initiatives and projects are how the Youth Commission gives back to its community - they are ways for us to take direct action and tackle problems that are affecting youth in Dallas. But we don't do this alone; we need your help. There are many ways that teens in Dallas can get involved in the many initiatives the Commission has passed. Within these initiatives are committees, and some of these are composed of high school students outside the Commission.
Click on the name of each initiative for more information.
What are committees?
The Youth Commission has several different projects that are open to having Dallas youth on board to work. If you're interested, check out the initiative page to learn how to apply. All of the projects below are led by Youth Commissioners who are passionate about the projects and are excited to have more teens working alongside them to create results that serve the City of Dallas well.
Higher education has always been a goal of the Youth Commission; now, we have an initiative to help students make that a reality. Any high school senior is eligible to apply for scholarship towards their education and future.
This initiative aims to provide personal hygiene products to high school students who need them. The Community Closet expansion project is currently underway!
This committee aims to empower and mobilize youth to take proactive steps towards environmental stability.
The city-wide publication of the magazine was made for youth by youth to advocate for youth success. All articles, art, and designs displayed are created by a board of teens selected through an application process.
The Youth Commission is working alongside the City of Dallas to make menstrual hygiene products available to everyone. Use our interactive map to learn more about locations distributing products near you!
Our goal is to inform high school students about issues in Dallas, as well as issues affecting teens everywhere. From race and culture to higher education, we discuss it all.
This committee aims to increase youth civic engagement via voter registration drives, social media campaigns centered around elections and cadidates, as well as developing a Clean Elections Plan.