Hello, my name is Kourtlan Freeman
I turned 18 this January, just in time for the Texas Primary election and November General election (MID-Term, some people call it). I am so excited since this will be the first time Ill be eligible for voting. So, to all my fellow voters that have turned 18 in time to vote this year of 2022 – let us make our voice count. Here are a few pointers:
You may early vote at any location in our registered county. The early voting locations are listed on the Dallas County Votes website. You can also find the times, hours and days they will be open. Early voting for the March 1, 2022 primary elections – STARTS on February 14, 2022. I have been advised that I can vote at ANY location – the election is being held!
In Texas, you must select a major party to vote in. Either you vote in the Republican Primary, or in Democratic Primary. I’m not sure why this is – BUT in Texas, this is how you must vote in the Primary Elections.
Once you select the party you want to vote in. STUDY the candidates for yourself. Make a choice based on what you believe to be right and fair.
Finally, repeat the process for November., just a little different.
Now, the NEW 18-year first time voter places the vote in the Primary elections. We will get the change to vote in the BIG election in November. That election is always held the first Tuesday of November.
Just know that if you don’t want to vote a “selected” party in the primary. You can skip that election and vote in November for whoever you want in any party or both. Again, in November, if you want, you CAN vote for ANY person no matter the party. It seems complicated but I don’t think I’ll have a problem VOTING.
If you have any questions, just ask a trusted experienced voter!! Just imagine, a first-time voter will one day be an experienced voter too.

Written by: Kourtlan Freeman YC – D4
Edited by: Ricardo Corpus
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