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Dallas Youth Magazine
The Full Story
The Dallas Youth Magazine is a city-wide publication put together by a group of Dallas-area teens. For the 2025-2024 school year, we hope to move to quarterly releases. This can not be done with out our wonderful team! The magazine committee is split up into three teams: Writing and Editing Team, Design Team, and Marketing and Distribution Team.
Every member of the magazine has almost entire creative liberty. Some topics that our Writers wrote in the past were gun control, volunteer opportunities, and local landmarks. Editors proofread articles, contribute to the formatting of the final copy of the magazine, and help the board generate ideas and stick to deadlines. Artists create pieces for the magazine that relate to written pieces, but they are encouraged to use their own creative style (painting, photography, etc.). Graphic Designers, will be in charge of creating the layouts and pages for the magazine using knowledge of Photoshop, as well as Acrobat and other computer software. Promoters will ensure that the magazine reaches all Dallas teens.
How to apply:
To be a part of the magazine, Dallas youth will have to go through an application process. It's extremely simple - just fill out the form linked below. You'll be hearing back from the magazine committee once your application has been surveyed and evaluated. We would love to have a diversified magazine committee, so if you can, go outside your comfort zone and explore! Submit work that you think shows your best self. If you have any questions, please email us at
Let’s Work Together
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